The Tri-State Steuben County Municipal Airport
The Tri-State Steuben County Municipal Airport has been an integral part of Steuben County and Angola, In. Since 1930, and today is essential to economic development needs of the community it serves. The airport provides a gateway to companies by allowing those companies ease of access to their outlying facilities and customers.
Tri-State Airport is also home to more than forty general aviation aircraft, most of which consist of single engine planes, along with some twin engine and turbo prop planes. Annual activity level is estimated at twenty thousand aircraft movements with 50 percent of those being transient aircraft.
Being a gateway to Steuben County, the airport contributes to the health, safety and security of the local communities by allowing ease of access to the community via aircraft from larger cities such as Ft Wayne, Chicago, Detroit and Indianapolis. The Tri-State Steuben County Municipal Airport is owned and operated by Steuben County Board of Aviation Commissioners
The Board of Aviation is charged with the development and operation of the airport. The Board consists of five citizens appointed by the Steuben County Commissioners. The Board is non-partisan and was created in 1969.
The budget for the Board comes from two sources:
Capital improvements come federal and state grants supplemented by local matching funds.
General Board operations are financed from the Steuben County General Fund through property taxes and miscellaneous sources of income.